When I first began following Christ I was "not in the choir" if you know what I mean. One of my favorite past times was listening to music and going to concerts. My musical tastes evolved (or I guess devolved depending on who is judging) but I never listened to gospel type music prior to following Christ. Now I listen to and enjoy both. I was just never exposed to good gospel music. (I'm looking at you Israel Houghton, Jesus Culture, Rock and Roll Worship Circus, Chris Falson, and Third Day, thanks for the tons of good tunes!)
My first concert was Iron Maiden and Judas Priest. I've seen dozens of bands including Black Sabbath, Metallica, Dio, Ozzy, Motley Crue, Queensryche...well you get the picture. Music was a big part of my life and still is. Music written and performed by Christians has improved DRAMATICALLY over the years. In the early 90's it was TERRIBLE. When a good band came around such as Tourniquet inevitably this type of conversation would ensure:
"Man, this song rocks! Who is it?"
"It's Tourniquet. The song is Vanishing Lessons."
"Wow, it's great. I wonder why haven't I ever heard this before?"
"You really like it?
"Yea, dude is phenomonal!"
Then the hammer would drop in kind of a self-righteous, pharisaical way, "It's Christian."
Now as I've turned into a (ahem) vegan I see the same kind of thing happening.
"Do you like those cupcakes?"
"Yea, they're great!" (just like Tony the Tiger)
When can we get over this? Skillet is music. Switichfoot is music. U2 is music. The Black Keys - music. My chili, paella, jambalaya, gumbo, fajitas, gnocchi, minestrone, burritos, enchilada, cream of any type of soup, stir fry, and anything else I cook is F.O.O.D.
If you have dietary restrictions and you're asking for clarification that is different. Can we stop sounding self-righteous and pretentious and just enjoy some food?
Before you go would you please crank up that aweome Christian screamo death metal and top off my vegan chai tea though?
Peace Out!
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