This is a totally random post and has nothing to do with food. I've been thinking about all of the concerts I've been to in my life. I began going to them consistently when I was 14 or 15 and haven't stopped. The music style has changed but I still enjoy going - as do my wife and kids.

- First Concert - Iron Maiden & Judas Priest. Axe was a no-show. (Kalamazoo, MI)
- Concerts I had tickets to but couldn't go for various reasons: Molly Hatchet & Sammy Hagar (Kalamazoo, MI) and Great White & White Snake (Philadelphia, PA)
- Cheapest Concert - Def Leppard, Krokus, Gary Moore for $9.00 (South Bend, IN)
- Best Light Show - Trans Siberian Orchestra (Grand Rapids and Battle Creek, MI)
- Best Show - Queensryche & Metallica (San Diego, CA)
- Coolest Concert Moment - One of my friends caught the neck to Paul Stanley's (Kiss) guitar when he smashed and tossed it (Battle Creek, MI).
- Worst Concert - tie, Bon Jovi and 38 Special (Norfolk, VA) and Van Halen (Chicago, IL) zzzz.
- Biggest Disappointment - Steven Tyler forgetting 90% of the words to songs he wrote and stopping the show early. Good thing they were only opening for Terrible Ted (Kalamazoo, MI)
- Best opening act - Iron Maiden (Kalamazoo, MI)
- Loudest Concert - AC DC during For Those About to Rock (Kalamazoo, MI)
- Bands I Still Want to See - U2, The Fray, Building 429, and Switchfoot
- Best Guitar Solo - Probably Richie Samboro (sp) from Bon Jovi (Ka;l
- Why am I here show? - Fat Boys, after a Philadelphia 76ers game. (Spectrum in South Philly)
- Best Vocals - Geoff Tate, Queensryche
- Best Drum Solo - Drummer from Nelson. I know, shocking. The only reason I remember that show. Guy was awesome.
- Best Rhythm section - Third Day