Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise

The following scripture could possibly be the most often argued about, misunderstood, over used, under used and misquoted in the entire New Testament. The "positive confession" and "name it and claim it" groups often hijack scriptures and beat them into oblivion until the rest of us simply avoid it for fear of being connected to a particular group.  Others are afraid to believe that God would want people to prosper (read do well) and live healthy lives.  Personally, if God wants me broke and sick I don't want Him or want anything to do with him.  I don't believe that is the case at all though. God has empowered me to prosper and given me the tools to live a healthy life.

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. (3 John 2)

Changing our minds is the first step for changing our lives.  More people die from self inflicted wounds (obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, High Blood pressure, etc) than drunk drivers and homocides. Basically, we're very good at killing ourselves one bite at a time, one drink at a time, one smoke at a time, and one 30-minte sit-com at a time. 

The Adventist movement strongly encourages a plant-based diet.  I'm not Adventist and don't pretend to know or understand their theological standing on many issues.  However, I don't believe that God requires a vegetarian lifestyle. Having said that, I do believe eating a whole-food, plant based diet is better for our health.  Animak products just aren't the best choice with all of the other choices available to us today.

All things are lawful for me but not all things are profitable.

Of course hundreds of years ago one couldn't go to the market and purchase pomegranates, pineapple, strawberries, blueberries, collards, almond milk, and zucchini.  International trade has made our ability to eat in healthy manner relatively easy.  Yet, people choose to have their minds clouded with absurd science, folklore, and borderline voodoo on a daily basis.

Where do you get your protein?  If you don't drink milk you will have brittle bones!  Plants are incomplete proteins at best.  All of these and all other plant-based myths have been exposed as poppycock by people such as Dr. Joel Furhman, The China Study, and dozens of others.

Eating a nutritious, healthy diet can be a challenge but is easier now than it has ever been.  It requires focus and long-term thinking but can be done. 

Join me!

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