For example, I there is a person I admire greatly because of his scholarship in the realm of economics. He is bright, well-spoken, funny (yes, this economist is), and cutting edge. However, his approach to a biblical tenet shocked me. "I'm Catholic and that is what we do," was his response on this particular tenet. I was thinking why don't you use the same rigor and scholar that you use in the discipline of economics that you use in bible study and you might have a different perspective. So, many zombies that follow this particular person will adapt all of his views even though he blindly accepted some based on tradition.
Another example is the idea that smoothies are bad because they aren't chewed and the fiber is basically destroyed in the blending. The person that suggested this is one of the main people that helped convert me to a plant-based diet through his books. Yes, this guy is many times smarter than me and has more experience in the realm of nutrition but I have the propensity to challenge things I hear even from experts.
My first thought was what about split pea soup? Split pea soup is one of the most nutritionally sound foods available. It's high in fiber and filled with healthy plant protein. When I cook it, it basically breaks down into a thick liquid. Since I don't add meat there really is nothing to chew. I don't chew soup. So is split pea soup bad for me? Great rebuttal.
My second thought was baby food. After babies are off mother's milk they often go to pureed vegetables and fruit. It can be bought in jars or mixed at home easily. We made our own at home because I'm just a cheap skate. I don't know about you but my children didn't seem to have a fiber problem when they were eating plant-based food that was pulverized to mush. Applesauce, is that not good? You see what I'm getting at?
Now in both instances I still love reading articles and books from these men. They are brilliant but that doesn't stop me from thinking for myself. Kind of like the Bereans during the time of the Apostle Paul. They were open minded but verified what he was telling them was truth. I'm not disparaging or even minimizing the impact they've had in my life. It's my life, however an I refuse to mindlessly follow anyone.
Convincing people the benefits of a plant-based diet can be a daunting job. I don't want to give them unnecessary hoops to jump through and make it difficult.
Cheers, bottoms up on that green smoothie!
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